Posts Tagged ‘life’
Unraveling Historical Conflict: A Personal Journey Of Discovery Of Ukraine
As I have watched the situation in Ukraine since February 2022, I’ve thought about my personal connection to the country and the irony of the country’s current situation. My Personal Ukraine Connection – Teteiv My great-grandparents came from a city in Ukraine called Teteiv. Ukraine in the late 1800s had a nasty history of pogroms,…
Read MoreBuilding Bridges, Not Walls Part Two: An Educational Experience
Racial and Religious Prejudice One of the themes of my novel, The Healer’s Miraculous Discovery, deals with racial and religious prejudice and hatred. These were themes that dominated the 1960s when the story takes place. At the time, despite the problems, there was a feeling that things were getting better, and we were dealing with…
Read MoreBuilding Bridges, Not Walls: The Power of Promoting Acceptance and Unity
The Power of Acceptance and Unity My novel, The Healer’s Miraculous Discovery, explores the way our differences can bring us together or drive us apart. Perhaps it’s a bit naive, but from the time I was a kid, I’ve been puzzled over why people can come to hate others who are different from them. Whether…
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